Tuesday, April 27, 2010

No work, only play....

1am ~ I wake with a brilliant idea for my Thesis "101 Reasons Why the Body Needs Carbs"... Just kidding, I woke up to pee but I couldn't get back to sleep because I was too effing hungry. I felt nauseous and my muscles felt all funny like they wanted to stretch but didn't have the energy. I kept trying to find new positions to alleviate the problem but the more I tossed, the more my britches got twisted, as all my clothes are now 3 sizes too big for me. So then I had to wiggle around trying to untwist my jammies.... Of course I had all kinds of great blog lines in my head, but they are all gone now with all the rest of my thoughts....but trust me when I tell you that they were all very clever! I fell back asleep around 4 and felt hung over (again) when my alarm went off at 6.

I was still nauseous and my legs were noodles. I drank a ready to drink shake on my way to class, bumped my head on Mike's car door (he has a little car that I'm not so used to riding in... it could have happened anytime...really!) Then I tripped on my own feet (again) walking across the parking lot. I'd like to say there was an invisible curb there, but most adults don't believe in invisibility powers like me and Hunter do. Spin class was lame at best but I did what I could with my assigned cardio. My class is so sweet, they cheered me by talking about bringing me donuts on Tuesday morning. I told them that maple frosted ones are my favorite but anything glazed would do. I know it's just the delusions talking... or is it?

So although my mood was good, I shuffle my weak body back to my van and carefully and fearfully drove home. After my breakfast and sending the kids to school I drove to the community center for my upper body circuit and backed into the curb. It could have happened on any given day... I apparently was not in the vehicle at the time...no damage done to the van or the curb. Hence the fear of driving! Yesterday, Lisa commented "don't hurt yourself" and I giggled a little at that.

So posing practice is done and I'm home for the day until massage class tonight (which is going to suck rocks!). Since is windy and cloudy I'm going to spent the rest of the afternoon scrapbooking.... Because...

"No work, only play
Keeps me from thinking about food all day!!!"

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