Saturday, January 30, 2010

Where's the beef?

So the workouts are going along well. The only difference between this week and last week is my confidence level. I was still expecting to be more stiff than I have been. I started with all my max weights from last week and I think I added weight to every exercise (even bench press...since I had a spotter). Mike is doing the same kind of workout, "so he can feel my pain" with me, but as it turns out he is the one in pain and I find myself lacking in the pain. I can't say that I don't feel anything, but... well... you know... I've already talked about those feelings.

I have written down 7 song choices for my 90 second routine to discuss with Lisa next week. Here they are...
Brass in Pocket
I'm too Sexy (**giggle*)
I know you want me (Calle Ocho)
Stacy's Mom
Remember the Name
Lose Yourself

Some of them make me giggle and would reflect my personality, and some make me HAVE to "bob my head". I've also looked online for 'posing suits'. There is nothing on Craigslist (at least not in this area). I found one site that had them for $24 per top and per bottom. That got me thinking about the tanning situation... I keep thinking about orange tinted skin... and it's scary. I'm glad to be a brunette at this time. (the deep tans look more fake on blondes in my opinion)

I have to start practicing my posing, but I feel kind of silly doing it since my "pipes" are not "ever impressive". I'll have to practice in a dark room somewhere.

Food has really been my big obsession. I'm already tired of counting protein grams and drowning myself in seemingly bottomless amounts of water, and I can only imagine how many seconds it will take me to get tired of counting whatever I have to count during my "cut diet" phase. I bought an ice cream maker and last night I made orange yogurt and tonight I made chocolate ice cream. Both YUMMY! Any cold treat will do!

Thursday, January 28, 2010

As the Stomach Turns

I'm well into week 2 and my confidence is much better than it was last week. At least I know what machines I'm going to and where to start the weight. I also know that I need a spotter on Chest/shoulder day if I'm going to push the max. Thanks to Danielle for being that person for me today. I know I'm going to feel this work out tomorrow. (maybe not tomorrow but the next day for sure...I'm learning that my peak DOMS is on the 2nd day after the workout) My lats are pretty darn sore from Tuesday's back workout, so I'm feeling much better about the 'soreness' issue from last week. As for my legs, I have to say this. You got the blog on Tuesday morning spin (2nd day after leg workout..ouch) then yesterday's KB and Spin. I have to say that last nights spin was totally awesome! Had a super workout but I was also back to my night class after a one month hiatus for sports massage class, so I was excited to see them and had a great high energy class. This morning spin, however, was a different story. Although my legs aren't really sore anymore, they just had nothing left. I felt like I had noodles on the end of my hips, just flopping around. I was totally burned and the class reflected it. I worked better thru the pain on Tuesday than the lack of strength today. I left class thinking, "Thank God I don't have to teach again until Monday night so I can rest my legs..." and then I realized that tomorrow is leg day. * sigh * I plan to sit around as much as possible this weekend :-)

My lack of enjoyment of my tuna snack last night, lead me to be a little more observant at the grocery store today. I've never been a label reader, and generally hate to grocery shop, so I like to get it over with as quickly as possible. That means no label reading and no price comparing... just get your crap and get out. So Mike has picked up that chore and we have saved who knows how much money and calories because of that. BUT Mike is a little stressed at school right now so I am trying to be a better wife and pick that chore back up AND do it his way. My goal today was to try to find something tasty that is chalked full of fiber. I feel like I need to clean the pipes and this high protein diet has my bathroom feeling lonely. (too much info?) So I'm thinking... "My Dad eats that hi fiber cereal --insert 'yucky' face-- so I'll try that isle". Do you ever wonder why the high fiber cereal is always on the top shelf?.... CUZ IT'S YUCKY! But I bought 2 kinds to try and also found some fiber crackers (also on the top shelf). But since the crackers are kind of high in sodium, I have to eat them before my "cut diet" starts. So today I actually prepared a lunch that required the oven... (for those of you that know me might have to sit down) I made a salmon burger wrapped in a Toufayan, with cheddar, avocado, and stuffed to the max with spinach and cabbage. It was really yummy! And 40 grams of protein. I added the cheddar and avocado as an after thought because I still CAN and boy did that make it yum-tastic!! NO MORE LATE NIGHT TUNA INVENTIONS! I could have almost vomited after eating that!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I have to share my new inventive snack
can of tuna, 1/4 cup cottage cheese, 1/4 cup of grapenuts = 36 grams of protein!
Now I just have to choke it all down! I'm trying to pretend it's ice cream. Maybe if I put some chocolate syrup on it..... ugh! I think I just threw up a little in my mouth....

A Two Shower Day

No lifting today as I teach 3 classes. The first is a muscle class and I did nothing except warm up and then supervise. Right after that was kickboxing, which I intended to go low impact but really just can't do it. I end up jumping around and getting all fire up..."It's what I do, baby"... So a super sweaty time was had by all. Here's a rundown of the rest of my day... home, yogurt, shower, CVS, Target, Staples, home, lunch, pick up oldest at school, home, pinewood derby car, run out the door to Spin (no time to eat.. but not hungry anyway), Tina kicked my ass again, home, eat, shower, good night to the kids, blog.

I had good protein for my meals which is good because I didn't eat any snacks/shakes or bars (really no time!). Didn't get all my water in and I'm about 600 calories short, and just shy of my protein goal. I'm going to eat again shortly. Probably tuna.. I always struggle to eat enough calories on Wednesdays ESPECIALLY when I go to jits which is against the rules for another month.

Nothing else to tell....legs still hurt a little but getting WAY better, lats/tris are sore from yesterday. Chest and shoulders tomorrow and I found a lifting partner. I'll let you know how it goes.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Somebody slap me, PLEASE!!!

Remember yesterday when I was all, "blah blah blah...I'm not stiff enough... blah blah blah... I should have some pain.... etc..." ?? Next time something that stupid comes out of my mouth, will someone please slap some sense into me??? Yesterday, was a busy day. I was up and around all day running errands and being a slave to my kids. After I started to settle down into the evening hours, the hurt started coming. A little more... a little more... until I was huddled in the corner crying, knocking my head against the wall and mumbling, "they are all watching me.. they are everywhere.."... What? you don't believe that? OK, I wasn't really mumbling. However, the mumbling came during my 6am spin class this morning. I knew there was going to be pain so I pulled up my britches, took a deep breath and just hoped that my legs would go numb long enough to get through in without crying. I get there and the class is good sized this morning. All my regulars plus a couple more, so I put in one of my favorite CDs so the music can help me along. I do ok with the first couple of songs, feeling the lactic acid immediately but it does kind of 'go numb' quickly. Then about 1/2 way thru the class... "Proud Mary". You know it... "left a good job in the city"... slow and smooth Tina Turner. We peddle seated and work some shoulders... about 1/2 way through the song... TEMPO CHANGE!! Can't you just see her on stage, sexy legs shaking, wild hair everywhere, crowds cheering, like a big church revival! It was almost like that in my class this morning! (not really)... So tempo change to a standing run for 1.5 minutes. I knew it was coming so I braced myself for pain and I got it!! Fire was shooting out of my quads, someone was behind me stabbing me in the butt with a hot poker, my inner and outer thighs were trying their best to pick up the slack and I could hear the screaming and gnashing of teeth coming from my abductors. It was bad, people... like a scene from a samurai battle gone bad. My speed started to slow but I kept standing, trying to get the class to work hard. I hope the pain didn't show on my face. Tina never made grimacing faces...she was always smiling (although sweating) but having a great time for sure! I let them sit about 20 seconds early, I was about 3 seconds from muscle failure. Whew!... Catch your breath... how about some arms on the next song? you know, to let the class catch their breath. I made it through and Mike said I faked it well. :-) Thank goodness for high school drama class!

Lesson? Wait for at least 2 days before talking smack about wanting to be stiff!

My lift for today was upper back. Nothing to report, all went well. I was almost alone in the gym so I wasn't bothered or annoyed by anyone. Thank you to my friend Julie for spotting me on my pull ups. She also informed me that my insurance covers psychiatric care. Good to know!

Monday, January 25, 2010

Can I buy tickets to the gun show?

I might need to buy some guns.
Yes, today was arms. This was day one of heavy bi/tri lifting. I have decent definition in my arms for a girl my size but by no means are my arms up to body building standards. I found it funny that yesterday during my lift with Lisa, she said that they (the group from yesterday) don't make weekly records of max weight for arms because, to some affect.. that they didn't have to worry about that. Translation..."I can already crush a walnut by flexing my bicep so the poundage is irrelevant." And I had to agree with her as I walked behind her completely hidden behind this 5'2" lady's massive back and shoulders. All I could see in the mirror was the top of my head as I walked behind her thru the gym and imagined just superimposing my face to her body and calling it a day. But I digress...
My lift went pretty well today, although I thought my biceps would completely detach from my humerus as I pushed out that last curl... (all of a 20 pound dumb bell for 4 whole reps... don't even laugh, or I'll sick my guard dog on you!... Down Dutchess!... It's ok...) At least I was keeping my form unlike the guy next to me with 50 pounders, just letting them swing back and forth like your grandma's arms on a windy day. Come on! Do you really think you are "lifting" 50 pounds right now? Momentum is doing all the work. Then he glances at my 20's thinking.. "Ha! Wee girl with your wee dumbbells!"... jackass... Sorry, that was a rant a long time coming. I feel the same about guys that "swing out" pull ups too, but since I can only do 1, I have very little room to talk. Lesson for today? A little less weight and better form will get you farther.. Right Lisa?.... Who's a good student? (ME! YEAH! I WIN!)

As for my legs... I'm not as crippled as I thought I would be....

Flashback ~~~~ About 4-5 months ago, I went to this class with my awesome friend Ember, called "Butts and Guts" at the Lucy store. (LOVE Lucy wear!... highly recommend!) Anyway, it was 30 minutes of squats, lunges and abs and THANK GOD it was a Friday, because I was CRIPPLED all weekend! I couldn't go up the stairs without the hand rail, and sitting on the toilet was the most painful part of my day! (thank goodness I wasn't peeing 3 times an hour like I am now!) I was beyond stiff.... miserable!

So that is what I was expecting to feel today, but I was slightly disappointed. I am stiff, yes, but no need for Motrin, or hot baths or anything else. Just stiff, quads and gluts mostly and slightly more on the left side I'm noticing. I think my left is stronger...arms too. I hope my arms hurt tomorrow. I never thought I would be wishing pain upon myself but I can't afford to waste another week! I need to be tearing those muscles up! And I don't feel torn. I am extremely concerned about this. I work out with Lisa twice next week but I'm still on my own for now. I tried to get a partner for today but was unsuccessful. Didn't think I'd need a spotter on arm day, although I almost crushed my skull on my last set of skull crushers........ I'm sure 50 pound dumbbell guy was laughing silently.

Can I talk about food just briefly? (Duh.... it's my blog!!... I often say to my students "When you are an instructor you can have the mic"... that's usually after I catch myself singing...not being mean and pushing them to sweaty oblivion) Aaannnyhoo... just wanted to tell you what I had for lunch today because I see a change of thinking happening that I find interesting and amusing at the same time. (Although "interesting" and "amusing" are kind of the same thing... SHINY NICKEL! I'll try to stay on task) So I heated up some left overs that Mike (my awesome cook of a husband) made the other night. Turkey sausage, chicken, chopped red and yellow peppers, some potatoes... yummy! Then I thought that if I put the left overs into a Toufayan wrap I can have 13 more gram of protein... AND I can add a little cottage cheese for a little more protein. After all, I didn't mind it in my tuna the other night and a little cheese makes everything better. A total of about 28 grams or so of protein. I have Kate to thank for the Toufayan tip (and many other food experiences :-) I'm beginning to think about putting foods together that will give me more protein. Perhaps I'm starting to grow mentally even though the measuring tape is staying the same. :-)

Weekly food totals (boring)

Average food totals for the week of Jan 18th

Protein 131.2 g -- 29%

Carbs 234.6 g -- 52%
fiber 25.4
Sugars 61.7

Fat 37.1 g -- 19%

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Angel in Red?

I know you all are going to want to read how my workout with Lisa was some kind of scary and "Jillian-esque" type of experience. But I have to say that my angel from yesterday was not wearing red today. I was so thankful that I was invited to workout with her, her husband and friend "Mossy". I was mostly afraid that I would shame myself into a corner, but thank God it was leg day so I could have a LITTLE redemption. Only due to 5 years of teaching spin, kickboxing, MMA/BJJ and tons of squats and lunges that I didn't totally embarrass myself today. So that made me happy. It was a totally different workout than Friday's legs. Add an extra calf exercise, add leg press, no Smith on the squats, add double the weight on walking lunges, and about 20 lbs more on straight leg dead lifts. THEN super set with curls and extensions! Woo Hoo! Loved that!
I did ask Lisa if she would get up on the leg press machine and yell at her husband to "PUSH" but she didn't... *sad face*

The other thing that made me sad today was this... Instead of "Jillian" telling me to work harder/burn more calories... Lisa told me not to do any cardio that I wasn't getting paid for. Mass building with cardio is like an oxymoron apparently. (Actually if my classes weren't paying for this whole adventure, I'd be advised to drop ALL cardio) This is hard for me. I like to get a good sweat going and know that I just burned 600 calories. On top of that, I told Lisa that I gained a pound this week and she said "good". Of course I know that muscle weighs more than fat, so gain muscle = gain weight... but come on! I'm still a woman and it's hard to dismiss the scale. How many women can say, ''My goal is to GAIN weight!"? But mine is... I trust that it will pay off.

Anyway, I had to tell my buddy Tracy that I can't come to her Zumba classes on T-TH and I also have to talk to my BJJ coach about not coming back to class for yet another month. It's just bad timing as I just got my blue belt in December and now I'm dropping off the face of BJJ Earth. (I haven't been able to go all of Jan because of Sport Massage classes). I know I'll be in for a beating when I do go back.. and the beating will just get worse the longer I'm gone.

At the end of the day, I got a great leg workout, got 155 grams of protein, and the Colts are going to the Super Bowl. OH!... Also, Lisa told me I could drink tonight! Which made me happy! But I didn't because I am too full from force feeding myself flank steak and edamame beans until I was ready to bust open! So I'm sad. What an emotional ride! a bipolar patient with out her meds.

Tomorrow would normally be just an ab day but I have to make up arms that I didn't do today cuz of the extra leg workout. I hope I can get out of bed!!

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Break down #1

Tomorrow is the last day of my 1st week of training and I already had my first emotional breakdown. Is that bad?

Bit of background... Thursday was "wimpy chest day" (frustrating in general). Yesterday was leg day (ok, but slightly frustrated that my shoulders weren't strong enough to support more weight). Which builds up to today. I'm a little dismayed that my legs aren't more sore and feeling unsettled that I have wasted my first week by not working hard enough. Never the less, life goes on and another workout awaits. First I get to enjoy Hunter's basketball game (he scored!!.. yeah!) at the NPS gym and so I go straight from there to start my workout. I'm freezing cold from sitting in the gym so I decided to warm up on my favorite instrument of torture... the spin bike. I start my iTouch to a good song and get my standing jog on. About halfway through the song, the thing shuffles to the next song. I have it set on the "shake to shuffle" mode because my iTouch is in a Zune case so to change the song is a process that irritates me. So apparently I'm "shaking" too much and I lose my good song. Oh well another song comes on that's good and I get through the whole thing. The 3rd song shuffled again half way through and I got a slow song... sooo.... I reach to my hip the shake it... nothing... shake again... nothing. I take it off my shorts and shake it... nothing. FINE.. I'm warmed up anyway, so I dismount the bike and in doing so, it shuffles. Really?? Whatever.

Pull ups.. yeah!... (enter sarcasm here) I can do 1.. yes 1... unassisted pull up. So I find the assist machine and off I go. Slow song... jump, nothing... jump again, nothing... remove iTouch from pants..shake, shake, shake... nothing. I take it out of the case to check the settings, yes it's on shake mode. I fast forward with the button. Back to work. Do you see where this is going?

Tbar.. ok, at least I know WHERE this machine is so I get to walk to it with confidence. I take a guess on the weight, do 10, it's ok. Add 10 lbs, little harder, add 10 more lbs, that's good. Oooohhh... a good song comes on! Just what I needed! A little dance move... just a little... Shuffle! Are your effin' kidding me!? Really?... Bleep #$$^!@#$%@.. Bleep #$!#$%^%$@.. Bleep @#$%@#$^... I'm about ready to put the bleepin' thing under the 300 pounds the guy next to me is lifting and ask him if he could kindly drop his bar right onto this iTouch! Shake it off, Rachelle...Shake it off... (do you find it funny that I should use those words right now?)

Last...Roman Chair. Aaaahhhh old faithful. I know this machine well, I know how much weight I'll be using before I even get there (a first). So I walk into to the big area, looking around, don't see it. Go back to the smaller room... nope. Back to the big room again, walk down each row to be sure I didn't miss it.. nothing. What gym doesn't have a Roman Chair? I had to have missed it. Back to the small room, no. So I decide to swallow the 1/4 ounce of pride that I have left (and I'm really stretching that), and go to the front desk to ask where the Roman Chair is. Splendid! They don't have one! Big breath in..... slow exhale..... So she shows me what piece of equipment some people use instead and I get on it, do a set... and no.. this machine does not work the lower back AT ALL! So I go into the aerobics room (my haven), get the exercise ball and do my best Roman Chair on it.

OK.. I'm done here. I'm hungry and I have to pee again, I think of Kate....

Short interjection... I have a friend who is ruled by her stomach, her bladder and her gym time (you know who you are...Kate) and I tease her a bit about it... cuz I love her. Now I totally understand! I'm trying to drink at least 80 oz of water a day and I feel like I'm drowning! I pee constantly! It's ridiculous! On top of that, I'm obsessed with protein (which I will confess that I spell wrong EVERY time I type it.. and that is often!... "i before e except after c" people! Stupid English!...) And my life is totally focused on the gym... so now I get to be just like Kate... which is good because she is hot!.. and 3x as strong as me!... I'm done here...

So finally.... I'm depleted, more mentally than physically. I was going to hop back on the bike but decide that I'm too hungry and I don't really know how much cardio I should be doing at this point, so I'm just going to go. I feel like a tool...what the hell am I doing? floundering in the gym like it's my first time EVER (which is 10x as embarrassing since I do have my PFT certification... I SHOULD be confident here!) I'm close to tears.... in the gutter... (do you feel bad for me yet? cuz I have more... ) I walk out of the gym and then suddenly?... a Christmas miracle! ... the clouds parts and I saw and ANGEL!! There walking toward me in my deepest hour of need was my trainer. "Be strong, Rachelle".. I whisper to myself. Nope.. I can't hide anything! I wear my feelings on my sleeve (and in my blog). She asked how I'm doing? A simple enough question... I was truthful (the short version), a tear did NOT actually fall but I must have looked just desperate enough for her to invite me to work out with her tomorrow.. legs again. I'm so happy to have guidance but at the same time... afraid. Maybe I need to watch "The Notebook" tonight so I can get out a good cry, so I can be fresh and ready for tomorrow's workout.

Don't worry... you'll get all the details...

Friday, January 22, 2010

I don't like green eggs and ham!

Quick post... I lost track of time this evening and had to run out the door to class without dinner. Luckily I had made Tianna a turkey sandwich this morning that she didn't take to school, so I grabbed that, a yogurt and 2 cuties, and a protein bar. ( I didn't want to eat the bar, but I was in a desperate state!) I was still short on my protein so when I got home I decided to choke donwn some tuna. I figured I could probably stomach it...yuck!... BUT LISTEN TO THIS!... I added 1 egg white and 1T of fat free mayo, with 7 triskets crackers. It was a great snack! I really liked it, and could even have done it without the crackers. So today's protein total was 168g with only 20.3g of fat. I'd call that a pretty successful day!


Make up to the gym? Really?

OK... Yesterday was bad right? So I'm not really feeling the gym this morning so I decided to clean my kitchen. That is productive work and, by golly, it needs to be done, so just get off my back about it. I don't need my friends coming over and seeing that I have expired medicine in my kitchen cabinet so it was essential that I organize and clean out my 2 messiest cupboards!

THEN, I just HAD to put make up on. There are too many mirrors at the gym to be looking like I did yesterday. You know the look... when you are too lazy to wash your face the night before so you when you wake up you look like death warmed over with 2 black eyes. Yeah...that was just an extra boost to my severely bruised ego during yesterdays "wimpy" workout. So today I "prettied" up a bit just in case things didn't go well. It's leg day, and legs are my strongest body part so I was hoping for a "gym revival".

I warmed up on the bike to Eminem "Lose Youself" (the clean version) ... makes me bob my head just thinking about it... I probably looked pretty funny "dancing" on the bike, but I don't care I do it when I teach too. Gotta FEEL the music! Anyway... Lounges with weight, more bike... "Boom Boom Pow" then a faster with "Bang on the Drum all Day"... but this isn't spin class OK people? So lets get back to legs.... Squats on the smith, straight leg dead lifts... a little more bike (cuz it's fun.. with Michael Jackson in my ears!) calves, abs...

Soreness scale? about a 5 out of 10... sadly... Not that I WANT to be crippled, but I thought I'd be more stiff. Anterior delts hurt the most right now. I did give 2 hours of sports massage last night and my arms shook the whole time! My clients probably wondered if I was having seizures.

Here's my thought for today's workout... Maybe I could have squatted more weight on the Smith but I felt like my shoulders couldn't take anymore weight. Goes to show what half of my body is stronger. At the end of my workout (1.5 hours surprisingly) I felt much better than I did yesterday and I looked a hell of a lot better too. Do it ladies!... Wear make up to the gym. If it makes you feel better, go ahead. (maybe skip the bright red lipstick)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Who's that wimpy kid??

Well, today's visit to the gym was a rude awakening. Sadly, it's been years since I've benched ANYTHING! My awesome and beautiful trainer - Lisa (yes, that is shameless sucking up for future "please don't kill me" points) says to me, "start with 10s and find your max from there." I say, "You mean 10 pound on each side of the bar...which is ... 45 pounds...equals 65lbs?"
"I don't think I can lift that much"
"Oh sure you can!"
This is the only time I'll be able to tell Lisa that I was right and she was wrong. Really? Do I really have to admit that?? Ugh! I felt like Spongebob adding "2, count 'em, 2... marshmallows" to my twig and still not being able to lift it!! So I "warmed up" with 10 reps with just the bar and then went for it and added..... a 5 to each end. Whew! At that moment I really felt like a real body builder. I looked at that bar with those tiny little weights on each end and grimaced.. cuz I knew that damn 10 pounds would cause me great pain.

Truly...I felt like it was my first day in the gym...EVER I kept thinking, "4 months, Rachelle, that is all you have." Followed by..."And this shame and pain is costing me only a cool grand.. why wouldn't anyone want to do that?"

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Early trouble in body building paradise...

Struggle #1.... first issue of today was how to get 135 grams of protein a day with out shakes or bars. Today I hit 128 grams with 31.9 grams of fat, not too bad I guess. But I'm 800 calories under my caloric budget for today. I could eat right now but what I want is the cheese cake that is in the fridge so I'm just going to go to bed. I plan to hard boil some eggs tomorrow so I can have a quick protein snack. (just hope they don't give my gas!) Speaking of that... I thought the high protein would make me a fart machine but it hasn't... whew! My massage partners are probably the most happy about that! ;-)

Struggle #2.... I've received an estimated cost from my trainer. I wondered why she charged so little when she was so awesome and now I know why. Email time, posing clinic, routine review, diet reviews.... and that doesn't include training sessions (which she agreed to do massage trades for).... looking at about $500. About $150-$200 for the contest entry and drug test, $50 for the suit, I'm just guessing about $100 a month for supplements.... and about half way through.... psychiatric care! So what I had thought would be about $400 for all of it, has now turned into over $1k! Damn! I mean maybe this will be a life altering event for me. But really... I may need to pick up another sugar daddy... any volunteers?

I thought my first triathlon would be cheap. I had a suit, and a bike and shoes...right? WRONG! I sunk about 1k into my first tri when it was all said and done, but it totally changed my life and got me started on a path of fitness that I never dreamed I'd travel down.

So what about this.... ???? I do know that I have to stop emailing my trainer 3 times a day! :-)
Day 3
I'm not as sore today as I suspected. It feels good to have sore abs, as I can do all varieties crunches all day and not get sore and that's the majority of what I do in my classes. Upper traps are sore but not tender to the touch so at least I will function easily. Should I be more sore? Maybe I didn't do enough? I definitely maxed my weight, so I did what I was told to do. Today is an off day because I have a lot of cardio classes on Wednesday. Today I have only muscle class (in which I plan a full body lift.) and kickboxing (which is a great sweat).
Should be my only post today, except for my end of day food totals. I need to work on getting enough protein without getting too much fat. Although yesterday my fat overage came from icecream and the cheetoes I had with my lunch...and dinner. I do have a slight addiction to baked cheetoes. That might be the hardest thing to give up in a couple of weeks. I am not going to buy any more once this bag is gone.

Well, I'm going to sign off before we lose power. The lights have flickered since I've been typing.
Motto today.... protein protein protein!!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Today's food totals...
Calorically speaking I'm under my budget by 313 calories. I managed to take in 137.9 g of protein which is right about at my budget. (That extra gram that I got from the peanuts in my ice cream put me slightly over) I'm also over on my fat grams by about the same about of fat that was in that same damn ice cream! I didn't even ask for it! My super sweet husband made me a small bowl, knowing that my strict diet starts in a couple weeks.

Workout Day 1.5

Hello bloggers... I will first confess that I am a blog virgin up until now. I might need therapy when this is all over, but time will tell.
Yesterday I met with a trainer who is so kick ass that I can't even explain it. She just got her "Pro card" in the body building world. What does this mean? Not exactly sure at this point. I guess she has won enough competitions that she now has to compete in the pro circuit which is cool. Anyway, she is amazing.

I want to do a competition in May that is in Oakland CA. It's the closest one by location and the farthest one out by time.... 4 months. Lisa (my trainer) said she has never trained anyone in 4 months before but thought it would be a "fun experiment... as long as you don't plan to be competitive"... hmmmm ... Soooo I guess I have my work cut out for me, right? I thought that if I could just lose the fat, I'd be pretty cut but was smacked down in that I have virtually no lats. I'm pear shaped which means that from my hips up, I'm square and I want to be "V". So my lifting really needs to be "back and shoulder centered".

So why is today workout day 1.5? Cuz yesterday was supposed to be 1... ABS. I said I was going to do them after Jiu Jitsu but was really LAME about it so I didn't really count them as actually an ab workout. So day I did Spin at 6am, Zumba at 9am and then lifted back (pulldowns, seated row and dead lift...4 sets, 6-8 reps each - first set to warm up a bit)
I'm sure that Lisa will ROFL when she sees my max pounds...with my wee beady back, and wee beady arms... At the same moment that I will crying like a wee girl with how tenderized my lats and traps will feel. So... all my previous clients that I have tried to crush and make cry... now is your chance to enjoy some sweet revenge... I'm getting mine.

As for diet, I've eaten a protein bar this morning before spin and about 20 minutes into it, that thing dropped into my gut like a brick and I've been functioning off of it ever since. Still not hungry even tho I've burned at least 1000 calories this morning and only eaten 200. I'll be hungry after I shower, I hope. I'll eat either way.

Well, there you have it... My very first blog, if no one reads it, it will be a diary. Time to scrape the funk and get some other stuff done.