Monday, March 22, 2010


Today I worked out with Kate, chest and tri. I love working out with Kate. She said, "What do you want me to do?" And I said, "Just push me"..."OK". Off we go... 50 push ups to warm up, bench press bar plus 3 sets heavy, flat flys and incline bench negatives. Then tri pull downs with the rope, dips with 25 pounds, and finally tricep pushups. The first time I worked chest with Lisa she made me do 50 pushups at the end of the workout. So I, in all my wisdom, thought that I would do that again except combine it with triceps and do 50 tricep pushups. I tell Kate we are going to do 50. Off we go.... After 20 I said, "How about we just do 3 sets of 10". Kate says, "Hell NO! We're doing 50". I called her a bad name and told her she was mean. So we kept pushing them out. The last 5 of the last 2 sets of 10 were ridiculous! There was much crying and name calling. When we were done we both rolled over relieved that it was over! It was funny because at the end, we both went to wash our hands and after about 3 rubs of the soap, we both dropped our hands to the sink and moaned... at the exact same time!! Now that is a hell of a chest/tri workout!

After that, Kate said that she would help be pose practice because I've been kind of slacking on that and need someone to be accountable to. It's like any workout at home. We all have the best intentions some times but life gets in the way and before you know it, it's past your bed time and you promise yourself that you will do it tomorrow... only to fail again. Right? Haven't we all done that at some place in our lives? And then we face reality and admit that if we are to get a consistent workout, we have to join a gym? Well, maybe it's just me.
So I showed her the poses and she timed me. My legs were totally failing! Shaking like a Chihuahua on a cold winter day. It was horrible and a real wake up call that I better get my butt practicing or I will be sucking it on competition day!

Then HIIT with Lisa. Sprints on the treadmill. Still feeling that pull on my right quad and feel frustrated that I could do better if I could just extend my stride without pain. But I got through that and abs after.

Then Spin which I had my class do 5 pushups in between each song = 50 pushups... Why did I do that on chest/tri workout day?? I'm retarded! It wasn't that hard... only 5 at a time... But still only about 40% of my class did them all with me. And I'll do the same workout tomorrow with my morning class. Hope I'm not too stiff to do it all again. Then more abs.

Tomorrow Lisa is cutting my calories again. I'm nervous about that and let me tell you why. You know how I've confessed my cheats? (you know... the Triscits and whatnot) Well, it's getting easier and easier to snitch little cheats. A bite of family dinner here... a spoon of TJ's BNPB there... it's the dinner thing that is really getting me the last couple days. One bite...2 bites.... 3 bites... guilt. So LISA LISTEN UP!... you need to tell me to stop the cheating! Tell me why I have to stop the cheats and scold me for it. If you don't, and it continues to be "no big deal", then I'm afraid the cheats will add up to 100 calories a day and then what will be the point of decreasing my calories? I totally understand the cheating mentality. If you cheat once, and don't get in trouble, then cheating becomes easier and easier.


I think that will do for today. Tomorrow is spin, legs and posing with Lisa. I don't have a partner tomorrow *sad face*, but I'll put my big girl pants on and do my best.

ps.... As Kate and I were walking out of the gym today, I mentioned to her that I should stop by the NEX to get another MetRex shaker bottle for Mike, because he has taken a liking mine and uses it for his chocolate protein shakes. The problem is that the chocolate leaves chunks that won't rinse out easy, so I have to scrub the thing before I make my own shakes. That said, I did not have time to stop before coming home to eat before my HIIT so I said I'd just do it later. Sweet Kate came by my house while I was at my HIIT with a new shaker for me. What a great friend and workout partner! Luvs and hugs to Kate for being so awesome!


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  3. I love the blog! You're a great work out partner too girl. My lats were still sore 4 days later and my anterior delts are killing me:) Can't wait for Friday and Rachelle STOP THE CHEATS!!!:)

  4. Thanks a lot for sharing us about this update. Hope you will not get tired on making posts as informative as this.
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