Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tired...ass... lats... and other complaints

There is good news and bad news today. I'm in a really funky mood, so forgive the lack of humor in today's blog.

I guess I'm just tired. Lack of carbs catching up to me? End of the week? Hormonal? I'm supposed to be on my cycle this week but haven't gotten it. I was expecting my period to stop at some point during training, as the body fat decreases so does the flow. (Sorry guys... I know you don't like that kind of talk, but it's part of the deal) Lisa said I'd get used to the feeling of being constantly tired, but as a recovering carb junky, I'm not loving the feeling. I'm used to being energetic! I have too much to do to feel this sluggish and it makes me cranky. I'm afraid that it will get worse before it gets better so I better start sucking it up and put my big girl pants on.

So today's training with Lisa was posing. (in the suit--with camera) I was feeling pretty good about things. I've lost about 5 pounds, people are starting to comment on the changes, and I'm feeling leaner - even thru the hiney. UNTIL today... Ugh... pics from the rear view?... I have only one word... panoramic. It didn't help that I have that awesome "runner's" tan line. You know the one.... nice tan legs up to about mid thigh and then it's the color God gave you at birth. Thank God I don't have to look at myself from the back! It ain't pretty people. Although Lisa, bless her heart, tried to encourage me that it will come off, "don't worry", "you're doing way better than I expected you to do".... That helped to calm the tears that were wanting to well up, but it still does not change the fact that I have to lose about 15 more pounds to be ready for the competition. Also... my stupid lats aren't growing and I have very little control over them. I assigned my family the task of coming up behind me, put their fingers in my armpits and telling me to push their fingers away. Hunter has already done it 4 times. And I have to hold it as long as they have their fingers there. I should be careful what I ask my family for. :-)

BUT I have to admit that one pose looked pretty darn good. The front chest. Not so much about the muscularity of it, but it made me look skinny. So take that you stupid camera!

Well, I better get to work. Got laundry in the works, a messy kitchen, a desk piled high with about a weeks worth of mail, dog tracks coming through the house, and daughter to pick up from school, snack to eat, dinner to prepare, massage class to go to...(better look for some clean sheets and fill my lotion bottles) and drink my BCAAs as I've had none today. Whew... I think I need another cup of tea and my super woman vitamins! At least I'll get a good massage tonight. I pre-picked my partner last Tuesday to insure that I'd get a good one.

Until next time.... Fake it 'til you make it... keep driving on.


  1. I'm going to tell Lisa to work you hard on Tuesday so that your massage actually feels like you got some pressure:)

  2. Never fear Kate... Lisa will work me hard without any extra suggestions! At least I won't have to give "Bowen girl" pressure so it will be an easy massage for me to give. I will just have to endure some 'petting'. :-(
