Thursday, January 28, 2010

As the Stomach Turns

I'm well into week 2 and my confidence is much better than it was last week. At least I know what machines I'm going to and where to start the weight. I also know that I need a spotter on Chest/shoulder day if I'm going to push the max. Thanks to Danielle for being that person for me today. I know I'm going to feel this work out tomorrow. (maybe not tomorrow but the next day for sure...I'm learning that my peak DOMS is on the 2nd day after the workout) My lats are pretty darn sore from Tuesday's back workout, so I'm feeling much better about the 'soreness' issue from last week. As for my legs, I have to say this. You got the blog on Tuesday morning spin (2nd day after leg workout..ouch) then yesterday's KB and Spin. I have to say that last nights spin was totally awesome! Had a super workout but I was also back to my night class after a one month hiatus for sports massage class, so I was excited to see them and had a great high energy class. This morning spin, however, was a different story. Although my legs aren't really sore anymore, they just had nothing left. I felt like I had noodles on the end of my hips, just flopping around. I was totally burned and the class reflected it. I worked better thru the pain on Tuesday than the lack of strength today. I left class thinking, "Thank God I don't have to teach again until Monday night so I can rest my legs..." and then I realized that tomorrow is leg day. * sigh * I plan to sit around as much as possible this weekend :-)

My lack of enjoyment of my tuna snack last night, lead me to be a little more observant at the grocery store today. I've never been a label reader, and generally hate to grocery shop, so I like to get it over with as quickly as possible. That means no label reading and no price comparing... just get your crap and get out. So Mike has picked up that chore and we have saved who knows how much money and calories because of that. BUT Mike is a little stressed at school right now so I am trying to be a better wife and pick that chore back up AND do it his way. My goal today was to try to find something tasty that is chalked full of fiber. I feel like I need to clean the pipes and this high protein diet has my bathroom feeling lonely. (too much info?) So I'm thinking... "My Dad eats that hi fiber cereal --insert 'yucky' face-- so I'll try that isle". Do you ever wonder why the high fiber cereal is always on the top shelf?.... CUZ IT'S YUCKY! But I bought 2 kinds to try and also found some fiber crackers (also on the top shelf). But since the crackers are kind of high in sodium, I have to eat them before my "cut diet" starts. So today I actually prepared a lunch that required the oven... (for those of you that know me might have to sit down) I made a salmon burger wrapped in a Toufayan, with cheddar, avocado, and stuffed to the max with spinach and cabbage. It was really yummy! And 40 grams of protein. I added the cheddar and avocado as an after thought because I still CAN and boy did that make it yum-tastic!! NO MORE LATE NIGHT TUNA INVENTIONS! I could have almost vomited after eating that!


  1. I know you love your toufayan wraps, but when you have to start cutting sodium, you might want to check those out. They have a lot, along with cottage cheese. However, Safeway sells no salt added cottage cheese. Really gross tasting, but there's only 30grams or so. Just some food for thought. You're doing great girl!

  2. You might try a magnesium drink called Natural Calm. It's a powder that you mix with a little water. Might help you out in the bathroom area, plus most people are magnesium deficient.
    Have you tried the cookbook yet?
