So you may be asking yourself, "How's Rachelle doing with training for her second competition without a trainer?" (or maybe you don't really give a crap) Well, I'm going to tell you anyway. No one is forcing you to read this blog.
It all started with a book... The Paleo Solution by Robb Wolf. Enough said! Just read it yourself and you can form your own conclusions. As for us, we are going for it and have been for 2 months. I have slightly modified as I have kept my Kashi Go Lean cereal for breakfast and the occasional Toufayan (if you have never tried these, they are the awesomest tortilla in all the world--AND low carb/hi protein) "We" as a family have also "modified" the paleo to include gluten free foods like rice cakes (my favorite treat), Quinoa pasta and the number of other gluten free foods grows. The kids still eat some dairy although we switched to Silk (soy milk) which the girls both prefer and the boys and I don't really drink milk anymore at all. But the kids still eat some cheese and yogurt. But it turns out that Tianna has some lactose intolerance anyway so we have cut the food budget considerably with the, now small dairy budget. I digress. The point is.... a paleo diet is very clean - meat, veg, fruit and we added gluten free products which are all mostly made with rice/rice flour. Also you will not likely find any food in our house that has processed sugar. (besides the occasional treats for the kids) SO in all my "young wisdom" I decided to try to see how much weight I could take off for competition training by eating paleo (sans the fruit) and tracking my calories. Calories in vs. calories out - right? Things have been going well and I have lost about 6 pounds with not too much effort.
So why am I "desperate"? Well, perhaps it's too soon to panic, but I did not lose any weight last week (well, not true... I lost .2 pounds... Whoopie!.. but essentially, I didn't lose anything) So now I'm at a place where I have to lose 2 pounds a week to meet my weight goal of 115 by comp day. BUT... I've also gained some size since last year so maybe 115 is too light? I'll tell you this.... I looked at some videos of the women in last year's Italian competition and they were all smaller than me in musculature (save for maybe one that was close to my size) but they were all very very lean. I really want to lean out thru the legs and gluts this year and that darn booty just doesn't want to let go! You know, it's been a part of me my whole life.
I wish I had a trainer to tell me what to do with myself! Is 115 too little now that I've added mass? Should I continue with the paleo eating just cut the calories? Should I start adding more cardio now? or wait for another couple weeks? I think Lisa went on vacation and forgot to pack me in her bag. The nerve! I mean, really Lisa? You're just up and going to leave me alone to self destruct? **wink**
On a more positive note, my 2 figure clients are doing GREAT! One has lost 5 pounds in the last 2 weeks and the other has lost 2 but working her butt off to gain muscle. These 2 girls work so hard, I'm intensely proud of them both and I can guarantee that I'm going to cry like a proud mother when they are up there on that stage. So why can I be confident with them but not with myself? I guess I'll wait one more week before I hire a private investigator to track down Lisa. And then perhaps a kidnapper type person to bring her to Italy for the next 2 months. NOT TO MENTION that having a trainer makes for WAY better blogging! Don't you miss the Angel vs Devil stories? And there can only one first time tanning/waxing/shaving/painting stories.... Ahhhhh... good times.... Although I've heard some interesting stories about waxing in Italy. Stay tuned... maybe I can make a good blog for you to be entertained... for once!
You are amazing no matter what that silly scale said! Hang in there! I know you can reach your goal in time! IF you have added mass you know you can check your BF and figure out if the 115 is truly to lean for you now. Keep rocking woman!!!