So how is this Paleo diet thing going to work into my body building diet? I don't know! I'm not sure I want to eat bread. I haven't had bread for 2 months and I really don't miss it. Bread, as you may recall is one of my weaknesses... remember Easter? Can I really substitute gluten free crackers and rice cakes for ALL of the bagels and sandwich thins on my menu? I think I'm going to give it a try. I'm also going to try to eat dinner with my family. We are eating paleo together for dinner so it's meat, wild rice and veggies of some combo or another. It's really clean, very low fat, no processed anything and lots of protein. I'll give it 2 or 3 weeks to see what happens on the scale. As of this morning, I'm 136. Only 3 pounds lighter than when I started the diet last year. I was hoping for 134 (5 pounds less than last year) but I've also put on some additional muscle, so I suppose it comes out in the wash.
So diet is on the mind, and I have to tell you about a funny story about a vegetarian client of mine. She asked me for nutrition advice and because she is a vegetarian I just decided to give her the book "The Paleo Solution" to do the arguing for me. It's a great read, by the way (even tho I'm only on chapter 5, Mike has given me the 4th grade version). So she returns the book to me at the end of the weekend and says, "I agree with 98% of it. All except the part about the meat." Hmmmm... it's a PALEO diet! It's 98% ABOUT THE MEAT!! So she kind of missed the point and I had to just laugh and tell her that I hope her massive amounts of pasta get her the body that she wants and that she gets a proper amount of protein from excessive amounts of spinach! ((can I just say... YUCK!?)) I guess you can't help everyone, but in the mean time, I'm working the crap out of her and I'll do whatever I can in the gym to help her get at least half way there.
So, COME ON PEOPLE!.. don't be stupid with what you put into your mouth! (Please ignore the fact that I've had a half a bottle of wine tonight and 5 pieces (one serving) of Dove Dark Chocolate to celebrate the start of another 12 week diet.)
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