So I have this thing with peanut butter. Have you figured that out yet? If not.. you are kind of slow and should probably check to make sure your helmet is fastened securely. ((if this is your first time reading my blog, you have a "by" on the 'slow comment'... Let me get you up to speed... I love peanut butter)) My kids eat waffles for breakfast almost every morning (Van's Gluten Free) and they all enjoy peanut butter on their waffles. They get that from my side of the family. If you have children you might be able to picture what the knife looks like after they are done using it. Poor knife looks like it's been thru some kind of PB horror flick. Well, any good peanut butter lover could not POSSIBLY allow a knife covered in perfectly good PB to just go straight to the sink. There might even be a law against that. So being the law abiding citizen that I am, I always lick the knife before throwing it in the sink. Besides, a utensil covered in PB doesn't get clean in the dish washer so I'm helping in many ways. This is my morning routine. Lick the knife, sometimes the fork, and if there is a remaining bite on the plate I will usually eat that too. Call it my little daily "happy vitamin".
On Monday, the kids left for school and I was left to do a quick clean up and take my vitamin. Hunter's plate was on top of a bunch of dishes in the sink. No harm, nothing else touching it. Fork with one bite left of waffle, so I pop it in. What's that? ... What's that horrible taste? ... Spit spit spit... rinse... spit... rinse... spit...
One of the kids had washed hands before leaving and there was SOAP on the plate! It took me over an hour to get the taste out of my mouth! So kids, what did we learn from this? DON'T EAT OUT OF THE SINK! EVEN IF IT'S PEANUT BUTTER!
Now I just make sure to clean all forks and knives BEFORE they reach the sink. (At least I didn't eat out of the garbage!) So there you have my embarrassing cheat confession. I ate soap all in the name of peanut butter.
On another not so embarrassing note. Today I did pose practice with the figure girls from Aviano that are doing the competition also. They are all incredibly beautiful and have super smokin' bodies. I can say that and still be straight right? But it's true. They have all worked hard and are dieting down and it's all paying off. I'm the lone body builder of the group. I realized that I have not practiced posing for almost a year and boy did I feel it! My legs were on fire! So I have officially put pose practice into my workout schedule 3x a week. On top of that.. I see a lot of wall sits in my future. :-) Although I'm currently weighing in at 132, and have between 12 and 17 pounds to lose in the next 8 weeks, I feel strong and confident.
Ps... So did I find Waldo? Yes! I finally caught up with Lisa, and it was great catching up with an old (aka, young, hot and inspiring) friend! Thanks for the chat Lisa!
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