5:55 alarm goes off for spin class. I had fallen asleep finally so now I feel drugged. When I got up I could hardly hold myself up I was completely depleted. Sorry... there is NO WAY I'm doing the empty stomach workout today. So I ate my protein bar and trudged off to class
7:15 I lived thru spin and had a pretty good workout. Got home and had 1/2 of my breakfast, got Hunter to school, left to train my client, went to the commissary, took the dog to Petco for a nail clip, came home, put the groceries away, killed some ants
9:45 on my way to Lisa's for posing practice. All goes well... a little tweak to the rear biceps and rear lat spread that will help my butt to look smaller. Pictures again on Thursday. I wouldn't let Lisa take pics today cuz I was makeup-less and on 3 hours of sleep. I'm starving!
11:15 on the way home to EAT! I check my phone, message from another NPS instructor wants me to sub for her spin class at noon. Ummm... why not?
11:30 eat the other half of my breakfast (more like scarf the other half of my breakfast) call Lisa to tell her I'm crazy and beg her for more calories. Duh... of course. YEAH! After a rice cake with BNPB and 1/2 of a Detour bar (about 250 calories) I am pumped back up and ready to spin
12 - 1 Spin class
1:15 home eat the other half of my detour bar, quick shower, lay out on the trampoline for awhile and try to nap... no luck with the nap. But the warm sun and closed eye rejuvenates me and makes me happy.
3:30 clothes changed, snack made - actually 2 snacks at one time..SWEET (tuna on a sandwich thin and 1/2 MetRex pack) and dinner prepared in advance
4:10 off to Muscle Power Flex class for my last work out... lower body. Ugh! My poor legs! But I feel great with my surge of calories. It wasn't my hardest class but good none the less.
5:30 out the door on the way home to eat. Mike cooked up my food for me so I could bring it with me to massage class
5:45 with food in hand, drive to class
6:15 Massage teacher not feeling well, and dismisses class early! THANK YOU JESUS!!
7pm... blogging... going to sit on my butt for a couple of straight hours and then going to bed early!!!!
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