Today, out of the blue, my awesome friend Kate drops by my house with a present. Four little boxes wrapped in athletic ad paper (carefully chosen so there were no food ads) with a little note in each. Four awesome packs of gum! And can you even believe that I did not have any of those 4 flavors? I literally have 10 packs of gum in my desk drawer, 2 in my purse and 2 in my bedroom and Kate brought me 4 flavors that I don't have! AmAzInG!! My friend Kate is that person that knows just when to pick me up, encourage me, send me a little message, or bring me some food (prior to the diet of course!) and I adore her to pieces! With friends like Kate, a husband like Mike and a trainer like Lisa... how can I not kick some ass at my very first competition!? Seriously!... you guys are the muchiest people in the world!

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