Friday, April 2, 2010

I don't need anger management, I just need you to stop pissing me off!

I didn't get a chance to write my blog yesterday but I had some stories to tell you. First, in my spin class I worked hard and after class did 20 pushups. ((This week I started 'assigning' 20 pushups after every spin class...I max out personally)) So I was doing my pushups and this dude, who comes sporadically (fat guy of course) starts barking at me like a drill sergeant to get my belly to the ground! I was all like... WTH are you talking about? My pushups are perfect form, 90 degree arm bend, flat shoulders and back, on my toes not knees. He keeps saying "belly to the ground", and I keep saying..."what are you talking about? my form is perfect!" He says... (get this)... "Those are girl pushups". I told him to shut up .. (with a smile of course) but I think my regulars felt my annoyance. Of course I asked him to show me what he considered "perfect form" but he couldn't because of his 'double wrist injury'. Surprise. I was pretty mad about that for a couple of hours after class but got over it after I vented and laughed about it to Mike and Lisa. The thing that made me mad was that he was trying to call me out in front of my class in a way that I didn't at all appreciate. I can take correction and criticism from appropriate sources but I do not like to be barked at like a drill sergeant. I am not in basic training.

Two hours later, I was at Lisa's for my first of 3 hours of workout. We laughed about "drill sergeant douche bag". After the workout, we both had our snack... her, a PB rice cake and I a shake. I had to put the shake in my water bottle. I added a little extra water and my bottle has a pretty big mouth (I've drank shakes from it before) but my shake was too thick to come out so I was holding it over my open mouth with nothing happening. Lisa thought this was pretty funny and I mentioned that it reminded me of when DQ blizzards first came out and they used to hand them over the counter to you upside down... remember that? My very first job was working at Dairy Queen when I was 15. Anyway, then Lisa threatened me not to talk about ice cream (she is also contest prep dieting and longs for hot fudge sundays like I long for ... well,... just about everything!) Perhaps you had to be there, but for whatever reason, we thought this whole conversation was hilarious and I "laughed my abs off" standing right there in her kitchen.

Next hour was posing and I already knew I would have "shake belly" (if you recall this happened a couple weeks ago when I drank my shake right before posing practice.) Toward the end I showed Lisa my "Do I look different from the side?" pose. Trust me when I say that I have some skill when it comes to sticking out my tummy. This may have really frightened her, because now it was her turn to laugh her abs off! Too bad there isn't a "5 months pregnant" contest category cuz I would totally take first!! Suffice it to say it was a fun couple of hours and a good workout to boot. After that I decided to do my HIIT at NPS since Lisa had errands to run before picking up the gang at DLI. I had a great HIIT even on my own and was home at 12:30.

That night for dinner, I made shrimp linguine. Whole wheat pasta, shrimp, a can of diced tomatoes, garlic, oregano and a little red pepper and feta cheese. After checking all of the ingredients (including sodium) I thought that I might be able to sub out this meal for my last 2 meals on my diet menu. (minus the cheese of course) But just to be sure I texted Lisa with the ingredients and asked her opinion. This is how the conversation went...

Me: "Can I... " blah blah blah...
Lisa: One month out today...what do you think?
Lisa: ...No!!
Lisa:... Hell no!
Me: No fair!
Me: You're mean!
Lisa: I know
Lisa: Suck it!
Me: Hot fudge sunday
Me: How do you like me now?
Lisa: Double suck it!
Me: I'm pouting.
Lisa: Wasted energy, use it to practice your routine.
Me: Yes ma'am

Spoken like a true trainer! Loves to Lisa who can totally yell at me and have me begging for more and thanking her for it.... unlike douche bag, "belly down" push up guy who doesn't know s**t and just pissed me off. So Lisa, thanks for the laughs and the spanking yesterday! (How often can you hear those words in the same sentence!) I would be a fat mess without you, cheating and justifying on a daily basis and then wondering why I'm not losing any weight!

Anyway, a great day yesterday and I suspect another today. I woke up at 6:30 this morning from a weird food dream (a regular occurrence) and was too hungry to go back to sleep.


  1. Belly Shake!! Food baby! Story of my life! I am always bloated. Dude girl, I don't know how you're doing this diet thing. I've been tracking my food for the past few days and I eat 2,000 calories and I'm starving! I get light headed, shaky and forget things. So I just want you to know, I truly bow down to you doing this. Not to mention, having yummy food around and not being able to eat it. Pretty sure after church on Friday, my mom sat down with a peanut butter sandwhich. REally mom, really I can't eat that until Sunday. I wanted it sooo bad. I had some almonds, but it wasn't the same thing. So after she finished I had my turkey meatball, spinach and pasta sauce... deff not peanut butter. But you would be proud I didn't have one lick! Keep up the good work girl!!

  2. So let me get this straight - some toolbag who's a STUDENT in the class that YOU were teaching was giving you crap about how you were doing pushups? As a personal trainer myself, I am not okay with that.

  3. totally, right? WTH! I KNOW I have good form on pushups! (At least when I'm fresh! :-)
