Yesterday I met with a trainer who is so kick ass that I can't even explain it. She just got her "Pro card" in the body building world. What does this mean? Not exactly sure at this point. I guess she has won enough competitions that she now has to compete in the pro circuit which is cool. Anyway, she is amazing.
I want to do a competition in May that is in Oakland CA. It's the closest one by location and the farthest one out by time.... 4 months. Lisa (my trainer) said she has never trained anyone in 4 months before but thought it would be a "fun experiment... as long as you don't plan to be competitive"... hmmmm ... Soooo I guess I have my work cut out for me, right? I thought that if I could just lose the fat, I'd be pretty cut but was smacked down in that I have virtually no lats. I'm pear shaped which means that from my hips up, I'm square and I want to be "V". So my lifting really needs to be "back and shoulder centered".
So why is today workout day 1.5? Cuz yesterday was supposed to be 1... ABS. I said I was going to do them after Jiu Jitsu but was really LAME about it so I didn't really count them as actually an ab workout. So day I did Spin at 6am, Zumba at 9am and then lifted back (pulldowns, seated row and dead lift...4 sets, 6-8 reps each - first set to warm up a bit)
I'm sure that Lisa will ROFL when she sees my max pounds...with my wee beady back, and wee beady arms... At the same moment that I will crying like a wee girl with how tenderized my lats and traps will feel. So... all my previous clients that I have tried to crush and make cry... now is your chance to enjoy some sweet revenge... I'm getting mine.
As for diet, I've eaten a protein bar this morning before spin and about 20 minutes into it, that thing dropped into my gut like a brick and I've been functioning off of it ever since. Still not hungry even tho I've burned at least 1000 calories this morning and only eaten 200. I'll be hungry after I shower, I hope. I'll eat either way.
Well, there you have it... My very first blog, if no one reads it, it will be a diary. Time to scrape the funk and get some other stuff done.
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