Yes, today was arms. This was day one of heavy bi/tri lifting. I have decent definition in my arms for a girl my size but by no means are my arms up to body building standards. I found it funny that yesterday during my lift with Lisa, she said that they (the group from yesterday) don't make weekly records of max weight for arms because, to some affect.. that they didn't have to worry about that. Translation..."I can already crush a walnut by flexing my bicep so the poundage is irrelevant." And I had to agree with her as I walked behind her completely hidden behind this 5'2" lady's massive back and shoulders. All I could see in the mirror was the top of my head as I walked behind her thru the gym and imagined just superimposing my face to her body and calling it a day. But I digress...
My lift went pretty well today, although I thought my biceps would completely detach from my humerus as I pushed out that last curl... (all of a 20 pound dumb bell for 4 whole reps... don't even laugh, or I'll sick my guard dog on you!... Down Dutchess!... It's ok...) At least I was keeping my form unlike the guy next to me with 50 pounders, just letting them swing back and forth like your grandma's arms on a windy day. Come on! Do you really think you are "lifting" 50 pounds right now? Momentum is doing all the work. Then he glances at my 20's thinking.. "Ha! Wee girl with your wee dumbbells!"... jackass... Sorry, that was a rant a long time coming. I feel the same about guys that "swing out" pull ups too, but since I can only do 1, I have very little room to talk. Lesson for today? A little less weight and better form will get you farther.. Right Lisa?.... Who's a good student? (ME! YEAH! I WIN!)
As for my legs... I'm not as crippled as I thought I would be....
Flashback ~~~~ About 4-5 months ago, I went to this class with my awesome friend Ember, called "Butts and Guts" at the Lucy store. (LOVE Lucy wear!... highly recommend!) Anyway, it was 30 minutes of squats, lunges and abs and THANK GOD it was a Friday, because I was CRIPPLED all weekend! I couldn't go up the stairs without the hand rail, and sitting on the toilet was the most painful part of my day! (thank goodness I wasn't peeing 3 times an hour like I am now!) I was beyond stiff.... miserable!
So that is what I was expecting to feel today, but I was slightly disappointed. I am stiff, yes, but no need for Motrin, or hot baths or anything else. Just stiff, quads and gluts mostly and slightly more on the left side I'm noticing. I think my left is stronger...arms too. I hope my arms hurt tomorrow. I never thought I would be wishing pain upon myself but I can't afford to waste another week! I need to be tearing those muscles up! And I don't feel torn. I am extremely concerned about this. I work out with Lisa twice next week but I'm still on my own for now. I tried to get a partner for today but was unsuccessful. Didn't think I'd need a spotter on arm day, although I almost crushed my skull on my last set of skull crushers........ I'm sure 50 pound dumbbell guy was laughing silently.
Can I talk about food just briefly? (Duh.... it's my blog!!... I often say to my students "When you are an instructor you can have the mic"... that's usually after I catch myself singing...not being mean and pushing them to sweaty oblivion) Aaannnyhoo... just wanted to tell you what I had for lunch today because I see a change of thinking happening that I find interesting and amusing at the same time. (Although "interesting" and "amusing" are kind of the same thing... SHINY NICKEL! I'll try to stay on task) So I heated up some left overs that Mike (my awesome cook of a husband) made the other night. Turkey sausage, chicken, chopped red and yellow peppers, some potatoes... yummy! Then I thought that if I put the left overs into a Toufayan wrap I can have 13 more gram of protein... AND I can add a little cottage cheese for a little more protein. After all, I didn't mind it in my tuna the other night and a little cheese makes everything better. A total of about 28 grams or so of protein. I have Kate to thank for the Toufayan tip (and many other food experiences :-) I'm beginning to think about putting foods together that will give me more protein. Perhaps I'm starting to grow mentally even though the measuring tape is staying the same. :-)
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