I've made it a habit to look ahead to my next meal often during the day. At night I always look to see what I get to eat for breakfast, and in the morning I look ahead to my meals for the day. I have my favorite treats, (bananas, peanut butter, anything out of a wrapper). My ultimate favorite treat is a Think Thin bar from Trader Joes (I think I get enlightenment from eating them..they are my LSD --see last post if you don't understand this) , and I get one today. I was so happy this morning when I saw that. I actually took some time to think about when I would eat it. I should be alone with my TT bar, so I can savor every bite. Should I nibble off the chocolate first like some people do with peanut butter cups? I wonder how long I can keep each bite in my mouth before I have to swallow? How many licks would it take to get to the center? Pretty sick right? Imagine if you had to eat plain chicken for a week and during that week you could have one snicker bar. How and when would you eat yours?
I have to say that I do like the foods that I eat and I am, in no way starving. The hardest part of the day for me is dinner time. My family eats dinner together at the dinner table every night, so it's hard for me to smell the delicious, flavorful, ... saucy........... cheesy........ spicy.......... carb loaded foods on the table, while I eat eggs, eggs, eggs.... (It seems like there are a lot of eggs in my life lately. BUT I get to put salsa on them which is delish! Sunday night my husband made chili and I LOVE his chili! It smelled so good, and I was so hungry that I had to eat half of my dinner before dinner and saved the other half until later, so I sat at the table with nothing and I almost cried, I wanted some so bad. I did have a bite, much to the chastisement by my children. It was sooooo good, it's been my only cheat.
Also... girl scout cookies are from the Devil.
On to workouts.... Lisa worked my legs like a rented pony today. I'm fearful of my heavy cardio day tomorrow. But if my pattern stays true, I'll have DOMS on the second day so Thursday's Spin class will be torture and after that I can "rest" my legs for 3 days. Lisa also gave me some ab exercises. I have lower back issues and it causes me a lot of discomfort. I also know that my hip flexors and psoas are very strong so they do a lot of the work when I'm trying to work my abs. I try really hard to disengage them but I just can't turn them off for many of the conventional muscle building ab work. Lisa has been great at trying to find exercises that don't pull my lower back and at the same time, force me to use just the abs. I told Lisa today, and I'll tell you too, that I HATE when weakness shines in my face. I'm not talking about the sun light coming thru the gym window last week during squats and shining right in my upturned face like an angel smiling down and encouraging me that I can squat that 150 pounds. It's more like the flashlight in the face in Blair Witch Project...." I'm scared.... so scared..." How can such a strong body have such a weak core? Ugh!... how embarrassing!
So here I sit, with the rain coming down, thinking about my Think Thin bar. *sigh...* It's going to be a good afternoon! :-)
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